13 September 2010


Hey y'all! I finally was able to do some sewing, both Friday night and tonight! You do not even know how psyched I am about that lol! Anyways I made two boppy pillow covers and a diaper pouch from Noodlehead!  Well, one BPC still has to be sewn together but I'm going to do that after I get off here.  

Here are the Boppy pillow covers:
  I love this Pink Panther print! It's actually lime green but my lighting is really awful . Oh, both covers have carry handles! I got tired of toting the baby, his blanket, and the pillow around cuz I always dropped the pillow!
Dino print cover for my best friend.

better pic of both prints!
The diaper pouch, this one was messed up cuz I'm an idiot.
The inside is actually a lighter lavendar gingham. I had to turn the flash off because it was washing the color out. I will be making several more of these as gifts and a couple different fabric patterns for me lol. Again this came from a tutorial over at Noodlehead! Head on over and check her out! She has some awesome stuff over there.

Well I'm going to get off of here and go enjoy what seems like the only free time I have left to sew...
Night y'all!

04 September 2010

Wow, long time, no see!

Hey! I know it's been awhile since I've posted. Life has been crazy lol! Just got back this week from seeing my family in Georgia and am still dealing with a fussy 3.5 month old.  I haven't gotten to do any sewing lately but my husband did get me a dressmaker's form for our anniversary! Been wanting one for ages and he surprised me when I came home. I hope to get to use it here in the next week or so, but seriously doubt I'll be able to. We're moving into base housing here in the next few weeks (hopefully) so I'll be busy packing and cleaning ugh.

Just wanted to give y'all that quick update! Hope to see you soon!