29 March 2010

Just Here...

Okay, this has nothing to do with sewing or crafts whatsoever, but please bear with me. It's been a long couple of weeks. I was diagnosed on the 10th of March with gestational diabetes.  Since then it's been a whirlwind of doctor's appointments (another one Thursday yippee), trying to keep track and control of the GD through diet alone (massive failure), getting put on insulin, and trying to deal with a cranky hubby on top of not being able to do another damned thing in Robbie's room.  I still have plenty of sewing to do, don't get me wrong, but I can't help but feel antsy, like I need to have everything ready for my son's arrival today! I don't even have a diaper bag, darn it! Sorry if this makes no sense whatsoever, I just  needed to vent since my husband is currently asleep but has been infuriating to me the past few days. I dunno why, I guess it's just my body still trying to get used to the changes making me super sensitive.

Later y'all

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