16 November 2011

It's been a long time!

Long time no see! Life this past year has been hectic to say the least. My husband got out of the Marine Corps in April but Robbie and I came back in March. Chris surprised me when he came home before he said he would lol. It was great and such an amazing surprise! Although he showed up at a not so great time; I was at the barn and as such, very very dirty lol.  He didn't care though!  We've moved twice since coming back to Georgia, but it's worked out for the best in the long run. I started school in August after being out since May of '07 and that was quite the adjustment. It was weird going back to school, but it feels good. I still hate tests though!

I haven't had much time to sew lately due to my class schedule and the kidlets (I babysit my cousin's little girl full-time) but when I have, it's been on a quilt I'm obsessed with. It's still in progress but is *very* close to being done. If I had one day to finish adding the borders and back, quilt, and bind it I'd be in hog heaven! It's for a friend's little girl, but she doesn't know I have a blog or that I'm doing this so I feel safe in posting a few in progress pics. EDIT: Those will have to wait for awhile. I just tried to upload from Facebook and can't because I have the album set to only me. I'll find my Photobucket logins later and edit to upload. This means the rest of my post will have to wait. Sorry guys!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kaitlin...you left a comment on my blog for frugal Friday but you are a no reply blogger. Can you send me an email at quiltinglodge@gmail.com? Thanks so much!

